This is a conspiracy thriller about how the organisation of the
security of the US might have changed after 9/11, in order to prevent similar
attacks. It highlights how security has expanded into a multibillion cutthroat
competition industry with too much power, secrecy and no transparency. Out of
control “independent” contractors and politicians with ruthless ambition,
provide the additional elements for a very dangerous mix. The acceptance of
collateral damage and innocent human sacrifice is no obstacle to achieving
their ends. The real problem is no longer
the lack of intelligence data. It is rather the availability of too much data. Only the best of minds can come through this
information overload and connect the dots of seemingly unrelated events, making
sense out of chaos. Some superiority in technology, eyes in the sky and
communication scrambling, proves essential for anyone wishing to survive.
Roy with his eidetic memory can fulfil the role of the
perfect analyst. His successes make him a threat that has to be eliminated by
any means. He works for the E-Program. The E does not stand for eidetic. The E stands for Ecclesiastes. “One
underlying philosophy in Ecclesiastes is that the individual can find truth by
using his powers of observation and reason instead of blindly following
tradition. You acquire wisdom and focus
that wisdom to figure out the world on your own…The world is complicated, so
people seek complicated solutions. And there’s nothing wrong with that because
simple answers don’t usually work. But sometimes the answers are simple and
people still refuse to see them.”
This is the kind of book that makes the reader realise
that if any of these could be true, a novel would be the only way to make it
public. This novel will make an excellent movie.